ClosureFast Targeted Endovenous Therapy FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About the ClosureFast™ Procedure (previously known as Venefit™ or VNUS closure) The Preferred Treatment for Varicose Veins and CVI The ClosureFast™ procedure (previously known as Venefit™) is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) in which one of the experienced doctors at Precision VIR inserts an Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Catheter to collapse … Continue reading ClosureFast Targeted Endovenous Therapy FAQs

What is Venous Disease?

It is estimated that over 20 million Americans suffer from venous disease, and an even greater number of patients suffer silently going undiagnosed. Venous disease is a spectrum of findings that usually involves a condition where the vein walls and valves become weakened. The valves stretch and become damaged interrupting normal physiological blood flow. There is … Continue reading What is Venous Disease?

Venous Leg Ulcers

Personalized Medical Treatment for Venous Leg Ulcers: The most severe manifestation of venous disease is when inadequate blood flow from venous congestion causes weakening of the immune system, namely white blood cells. The weakened immune system and venous congestion combination can cause a local build up of toxins in the tissues of the legs, most … Continue reading Venous Leg Ulcers

Skin Discoloration & Hyperpigmentation

Personalized Medical Treatment for Skin Discoloration & Hyperpigmentation Skin discoloration happens when iron from the red blood cells gets deposited under the skin and “stains” the skin. This occurs when there is increased venous congestion causing a leaking of red blood cells into the tissues, especially the lower legs. The venous congestion can be from underlying varicose veins. When … Continue reading Skin Discoloration & Hyperpigmentation

Leg Cramping

Leg Cramping is a Common Symptom of Venous Disease An extremely common symptom of venous disease in the legs is cramping. Cramping is most often worse at night, or after a long day of sitting or standing. The cramping sensation is often an indication that fluid is accumulating during the day due to increased venous … Continue reading Leg Cramping

Itching / Burning On The Legs

Why are My Legs Itching / Burning? Itching and/or burning on the legs may be an indication of an underlying venous issue such as varicose veins or spider veins. They may be centered around a cluster of prominent spider veins or visible varicose veins. A throbbing sensation may be an additional symptom along with the itching … Continue reading Itching / Burning On The Legs

Aching Leg Pain | Pain in Legs

Aching Leg Pain Can Be a Symptom of Lower Extremity Venous Disease A common symptom of lower extremity venous disease is a dull, heavy ache in the legs. Frequently, the pain is worse in the evenings particularly after a day of sitting or standing.If you feel you may be struggling with venous disease of the legs, … Continue reading Aching Leg Pain | Pain in Legs

Common Symptoms

Symptoms of Lower Extremity Venous Insufficiency Symptoms of lower extremity venous insufficiency can range from minor cosmetic issues to a serious medically disabling condition. Not all symptoms match the outward appearance and vice versa. It is possible to have significant vein disease without symptoms, or to have symptoms but no outward manifestations such as spider … Continue reading Common Symptoms